Priority Session Application Form
Priority Session Cost: $800
These sessions have been created with clients who have time sensitive questions in mind. Malaurie's waitlist for a traditional (non-priority) session is over 2 years out. Booking a Priority Session is the only way to get in for an appointment sooner. A Priority Session cost is $800 due to extremely high demand, Malaurie’s limited schedule, and special scheduling accommodations necessary to set aside time for these sessions. Please note that Priority Sessions are booked as soon as possible, but can often booked 1-2 months out
Fill out and submit this form in its entirety.
Someone from the team, will reach out to you directly via email to discuss booking. Make sure to check your spam or junk folders. Emergency or "time is of the essence" situations will be prioritized first but otherwise clients are on a first come first serve basis for booking. If this is a non-emergency please note that it may take up to one week for us to reach out to book you.
If a priority session is a good fit for you we will send a booking link with a few available session dates/times on it.